Tag Archives: Leon Underwood

DRAWING THE NUDE: FROM MANET TO AUERBACH │ Pallant House Gallery, Chichester → 19 July 2015

Frank Auerbach, Nude Seated on a Folding Chair, 1954, Pallant House Gallery
Frank Auerbach, Nude Seated on a Folding Chair, 1954, Pallant House Gallery


Michael Andrews, Frank Auerbach, William ColdstreamPeter de FranciaEric Gill, Édouard Manet, Walter Sickert, Leon Underwood

“Xplorñ hâ a renj v modn n historic artists dpictd ɖ hymn form, trêsñ ɖ reprizenteśn v ɖ bodi in art fṛm ɖ clasicl îdiyl t riylist figrstudiz”

Edouard Manet, Olympia, 1867, Etching and aquatint on paper, Pallant House Gallery
Edouard Manet, Olympia, 1867, Etching and aquatint on paper, Pallant House Gallery

South East

LEON UNDERWOOD: FIGURE AND RHYTHM │ Pallant House Gallery, Chichester → 14 June 2015

Leon Underwood, Self Portrait, 1921
Leon Underwood, Self Portrait, 1921

“Ɖs z ɖ frst mêjr xibišn fr ovr fortīfîv yirz v ɖ wrc v ɖ Britiš ātist Lion Unḍwd (1890-1975). Dscrîbd az ɖ pricrsr v modn sculpčr in Britn, h wz a significnt inflụns on ātists sč az Îlīn Êgar, Bābra Hepwrʈ n Henri Mur. In a pirı̣d ẇr mni ātists wr drwn t abstraẋn, ɖ hymn figr rmend at ɖ hāt v Unḍwd’z wrc ʈrt hiz c̣rir.

Pamela Booth (dates unknown), Leon Underwood with Violin Rhythm, c.1934, Black and white photograph  Private collection
Pamela Booth (dates unknown), Leon Underwood with Violin Rhythm, c.1934, Black and white photograph Private collection

Olɖo phps bst nôn az a sculptr, Unḍwd olso wrct az a pêntr n printmêcr. Unḍwd’z xūbṛnt lîfdrōñz brôc fri fṛm ɖ ac̣demic tṛdišnz v ātscūlz, n at hiz ôn Brŭcgrīn Scūl v Āt h inspîrd a jeṇrešn v Britiš ātists, n wz t b a drîvñ fws in wŭdingrevñ v ɖ 1920z n 30z. Hiz travlz in Mexico n West Africa, az wel az hiz c̣lẋnz v non-westn āt, wr t līd t ɖ criešn v a dvrs bodi v sculpčrz, pêntñz, prints n drōñz n ɖz wr t intṛdys a vîtl n riɖmic eṇji intu Modn Britiš āt. Ɖ xibišn čāts ɖ dveḷpmnt v Unḍwd’z wrc fṛm ŕli pêntñz bêst on hiz xpirı̣nsz az a caṃflāžātist in ɖ Frst Wrldwor t hiz bronzsculpčrz on fiḷsoficl ʈīmz crietd in ɖ 1950z n 1960z.

Ɖ xibišn includz ovr 100 wrcs fṛm prîvt c̣lẋnz n public myziymz, includñ ɖ Ašmôlı̣n Myziym, ɖ Impirı̣l Wormyziym, Līdz Myziymz n Ātgaḷriz, n ɖ Našnl Pwtritgaḷri. It z acumṗnid bî a fŭli iḷstretd caṭlog aveḷbl fṛm ɖ Gaḷri Bcšop, n a prôgram v twcs, turz n crietv wrcšops. In Rūm 17 ɖr z a cómpḷmntri dsple Wŭdingrevñ n ɖ Brŭcgrīn Scūl: Îlīn Êgar, Grtrūd Hrmīz, Bler Hyz-Stantn, Henri Mur n ɖer Cntmprriz.”


Continue reading LEON UNDERWOOD: FIGURE AND RHYTHM │ Pallant House Gallery, Chichester → 14 June 2015