Clasics in Ñspel: Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed – William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 27

Sonit 27: Wiri wɖ tôl, I hest m t mî bed


Wiri wɖ tôl, I hest m t mî bed,
Ɖ dir rpoz fr limz wɖ travl tîrd;
Bt ɖen bginz a jrni in mî hed
T wrc mî mînd,

ẃn bodi’z wrc’s xpîrd:

Fr ɖen mî ʈōts –

fṛm far ẃr I abîd –

Intnd a zeḷs pilgṛmij t ɖi,
N cīp mî drūpñ îlidz opn wîd,
Lcñ on darcnis ẃć ɖ blînd d si:
Sev ɖt mî soul’z imajinri sît
Priznts ɖî śado t mî sîtlis vy,
Ẃć, lîc a juwl huñ in gastli nît,
Mcs blac nît bytịs,

n hr old fes ny.

Lǒ! ɖus, bî de mî limz,

bî nît mî mînd,

Fr ɖi, n fr mslf, no qayt fînd.


2 thoughts on “Clasics in Ñspel: Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed – William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 27

    1. Kind of you to say so, Meg. One of the easier sonnets to get one’s head around.

      Spike Milligan: “I thought I’d begin by reading a poem by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine.”

      Keep smiling

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