Tag Archives: senryu

Frank Poems: to levitate

Wikipedia: Levitation (paranormal). Photo: Daily MIrror, 13 June 1938: Colin Evans


Sit cross-legged on the floor
five hours or more
and hypnotise the tip of your nose,
whilst flexing your toes.


Fill your mind with mindfulness
or mindlessness,
believe in self-raising flower power
and step off the tower


or maybe not.
Perhaps inhale an awful lot
of steam instead
followed by helium straight into your head


or be ever so quiet,
go on a vegan vacuum diet,
shave off your hair,
put your hands together in prayer


and as you start to self-leaven,
devoutly raise your eyes to heaven.
Then in take-off position
turn over your telly to aerial vision


and start to scale the heights of Zen,
but even then
never underestimate
how hard it is

"House by the Railroad," Edward Hopper, 1925


In the beginning
God created the heavens, and
Might have left it there.


La la la la la.
Why should the la la’s be last?
Let the la’s be first!


A short poem a day
Keeps the temptation to write
Longer ones at bay.


Rejoice and be glad!
For this poem is both short and


I’m not an I am
Bic pentameter, only
A humble haiku.


In the beginning
Was the wordle, but wordle
Couldn’t be the word.


A haiku is ars
Brevis that aspires, like us,
To vita longa.


You might not like this
But you cannot much dislike
Such short duration.


As mighty oak trees grow
From little acorns, just so
Plant little poet trees.


The past no longer exists
But at least it lasts.


To call Leamington
Leamington Spa still won’t do:
It’s really Royal too.


No use listening
To roses: if they whispered
They wouldn’t make scents.


From piano-forte
To pianissimo, improv
Has it all to play.


Had it not been for
The Angles, we anglophones could play
At being saxophones.


Greenwashing is when
Catastrophe’s conspired with
With a clean conference.


Leave the Moon alone!
Be content with fucking up
Planet Earth, our home.


Will lyric poets still
Be writing lyric poetry
Come the apocalypse?


No need to be koi.
Carpe diem, no matter
What your element.


They say the word Love
Is overused. Whereas love,
My love, is under


Rather depressing
Can be rather beautiful,
If you’re not depressed.


Mini-minor good,
Better than any make of
Maxi-major bad.


Only one way in,
One out. Amazinoutly


When deep in a maze
You may lose your head, but don’t
Ever lose the thread.


A traffic cone sits
On the head of our hero.
Glasgow smiles better.


Coventry’s three spires
Were seen from all sides. Alas!
Those views have expired.


Now is the time for
All good men to stand aside
For better women.


Allotments are more
Than war on weeds: peace and love,
And lovage and peas.


Double you double
You double you dot: world-wide
Heaven, world-wide Hell.


With whiskey butter
Porridge is poetry. The proof
Is in the porridge.


Here’s a little dream
Where you’re dreaming of a dream
You dreamed that you dreamt.


At New Street Station
Last night, the ghost passed me by
Of the late last train.


If you’re nice, the train
At Platform 5 will take you
Straight to Paradise.


In the human race
Don’t run too fast. Remember:
The first will be last.


Trains and boats and planes,
Cars, bikes, busses and trams, and
Feet and legs to boot.


Wait for the green man
And be patient with his twin.
Better red than dead.


See Naples and die
Or see Little Eccleston-
With-Larbreck and live.


Coventry Canal
Used not to meet with the Oxford,
But they’re best friends now.


If your choice were this –
Earthly bliss or heavenly –
Which would you most miss?


Red postbox, blue sky.
Push the envelope inside, but
Think outside the box.


Yellow, blue and red,
Thence orange, green and purple.
Black and white? Not quite.


Mondrian disliked green,
But whether that was mutual
Remains to be seen.


Escherlators are
Escalators that only
Seemingly escalate.


The Christian Alt-Right
Is the religion that’s right
For oxymorons.


A mystery for
Misogynists: how on earth
They ever came to exist.


It’s not right to call
People stupid, except for
People who are stupid.


Seventy-six and
Never been in a mosh pit.
Should I regret it?


Brexit meant Brexit
But also Little England
And big regretting.


David, Theresa,
Boris, Liz, Rishi. Alack!
Years we won’t get back.


Will legislators
Who advocate a little state


Your Royal Highnesses
And every aristocrat, pray
Be orf and don’t come back.


A republic means
A state that’s remarkably


The rich and powerful
Like it when we bow and scrape.
Don’t participate!


Live life by profit
And loss. Lose your soul and let
Profit be your boss.


Expensive perfumes
Containing hardly any scent
Make hardly any sense.


I fell out of love
With my pre-loved pullover,
So I post-loved it.


Last night I dreamt of
Rebecca again, and tonight,
Reader, I’ll read it.


They were the best times,
They were the worst times, even
Without genitives.


A foreign country
Where they don’t do things the same?
That’d be the past.


April. Bright and cold.
The clocks were striking 13,
19, 84.


A wife is wanted
For a rich young bachelor,
As the whole world knows.


Turkeys, vote en masse
For Benjamin Zephaniah!
Don’t vote for Christmas.


Humanity and
Humaneness: hopelessfully


One can never be
Too clever, except when one’s
Too clever by half.


Cleverness is nice
But it’s not clever to be
Clever but not nice.


Even the erudite
Can confuse what’s eruright
With what’s eruwrong.


Social media is
People’s new opium, begging
Karl Marx’s pardon.


Confucius him say,
Good poems save time; bad one are
Never really fin


Personal ID
Isn’t the real entity
Of identity.


Be true to yourself
(If you can still remember
Quite which self is you).


Whether you travel
Near or far, it’s not easy
To arrive at who you are.


The last time I looked
I wasn’t me, nor was I
Either one of we.


Being good’s better than
Being godly, unless being godly
Makes good get better.


Is your glass half-full?
In that case you should perhaps
Keep it somewhere safe.


I remember that,
In the 1960s, I
Wasn’t really there.


Would you have others
Do unto you, sisters, brothers,
As you do unto them?


Plus imperfectionism
Makes humourism.



Neznámý jazyk.
Krásný schovaný výhled.
Otevři okno.

Teanga iasachta.
Radharc an-álainn i bhfolach.
Oscail an fhuinneog.

Língua estrangeira.
Bela vista escondida.
Abre a janela.

Une langue étrangère.
Une scène très belle mais cachée.
Ouvrez la fenêtre.

Eine Fremdsprache.
Schöne versteckte Szene.
Öffne das Fenster

A foreign language.
A beautiful hidden view.
Open the window.


Erratic spelling
Didn’t in the least demean
William Shakspere’s name.


I wandered lonely
As a cloud that floats on high
O’er No Entry signs.


Half of England owned
By one percent is serfdom
By another name.


The fearless soldier
Goes down fighting. The writer,
Right to the full stop.


Indefinite a
And most definitely the
Shouldn’t end like that.


What’s not rocket science
But is now the new normal?
No brainer! Cliché.


Please bring some apples
Up the pears, when coming down
The pears and apples.


Being invisible
Shouldn’t mean you can’t be heard,
Just you can’t be


Always a better,
Always a worse, but never
A mediocrer.


Pandemonium, pan,
Pandemic, saucepan, frying pan,
Panic, deadpan, pan.


Did it just happen
By happenstance? Half the world
Ruled by psychopaths.


Tolstoy’s War and Peace
Was just one piece in a world
Of wars and peaces.


How to put the world
In a pother: pander to
People like Putin.


What’s so familiar
About the mass murderer
Vladolfmir Pitler?


Says Mr Putin,
Don’t be good. If I could be
More evil, I would.


Seven, eight, nine, ten,
Eleven. Evil bastards
Don’t go to heaven.


Tories are revolt
Ing. Boris Johnson’s revolt
Ing. Why aren’t we re


Poems won’t stop a war
But we must fight to make sure
That wars don’t stop poems.


The Taliban ban
Women from doing what men can.
Ban the Taliban!


Sod the effing bastards!
(Unpoetic language is fine
If kept to one line.)


One peace is never
Enough: it takes many more
To make just one peace.


Things could be better
Elsewhere in the multiverse,
If not multiworse.


A part of our world,
Our galaxy and universe.
Unique: you, me, us.


Whilst waiting in line,
Synchronised jigging of hips
Might help pass the time.


Précis: concisely
Saying what was said. There’s really
Nothing else to say.


This might have been like
What one would write, were one not
Sick of subjunctives.


Is thought inferior
To not thinking? That’s something
One might think about.


Money makes the world
Go round, whereupon the rich
Round it up, not down.


If you’re somebody,
Seems you must marry someone
Who’s not nobody.


Yeats keeps arising
And going, going but never gone
Along to Innisfree.


Round about midnight
Is about the right time for
Midnight roundabouts.


Woke up this morning,
Got them City blues. Five nil
To the visitors.


A game of two halves:
Forty-five minutes followed
By the same again.


A field is a field,
A pitch is a pitch, except
When pitch is playing field.


Raynauld’s wouldn’t be
So-cold, if it wasn’t he who
Discovered Raynauld’s.


The extremely unctious
In extremis have no need
Of extreme unction.


Veritas vincit.
Vincit veritas. Looked at
Front or back, truth wins.


Charity may be
The best of the three, but hope
Is the last to leave.


Nudging native tongues
To linguacide’s a silent
Sort of genocide.


The Land of the Free:
A euphemia where people
Get shot frequently.


America, please
See common sense: amend that
Murderous amendment.


Owning a joke shop
Is no laughing matter: it’s
The way they sell them.


Little Bo Peep’s sheep!
Lost! … Leave them alone! Wagging,
Tails have happy endings.


Hey, Talking Black Sheep!
Got any wool? Yeah, three bags –
One each for three peeps.


Higgle Piggle Hen
Lays lots of eggs, which I then
Sell to gentlemen.


Hey diddle diddle,
Cat cow little dog fiddle.
Dish spoon skedaddle.


Miss Muffet. Tuffet,
Curds, whey. Spider beside her!
Miss Muffet hops it.


Little Jack Horner,
Corner, Christmas pie, thumb, plum,
Self-praise. Rum-ti-tum.


Humpty Dumpty. Wall.
Fall! King’s cavalry. First aid.
Alas! Too ovulate.


Old lady swallowed
Fly spider bird cat dog goat
Cow horse. Dead? Of course.


Grand Old Duke of York.
Ten thousand men. Up. Down. Up
Up. Down down… Dope.


Down the woods today?
Surprise! There’s a picnic there
For teddy bears. Yay!


A lesser grievance
Of old age, good grief! is pips
Stuck between your teeth.


Two coincident
Cups of cocoa has to be


When all’s said and done
And the battle’s lost and won,
Earth still orbits Sun.


After poetry, there’s
Doggerel, caterwaul and –
Begad! – bugger all.


Live in the mo… Woops!
Live… Woops! … or just keep living
In the past… Perfect!


Live life like a poem.
No matter how hard at times,
Try to make it rhyme.


We all live to die,
Which explains why we mostly
Spend life dying to live.


The future presents
An enigma wrapped up in
A real-time riddle.


Life is a struggle
Of Now versus Then, in which
Then is the winner. Amen.


And literal heartache. Not
Even simile.


Heart failure is bad
But not even half as bad
As failure of the soul.


I’m dead, I think, though
According to R Descartes,
Erm… therefore I aren’t.


Humorous alive,
Perhaps post-humorously
Funny on the other side.


When you’re feeling up
Side down, fix your feet firmly
Upon the ceiling.


What happened before
The beginning began? And
What, after the end ends?


Spring summer autumn
Winter. Birth adolescence
Adulthood death. Spring


Et in saecula
Saeculorum orum or
Um orum. Amen.


Horror without end
Is even worse than an end
With horror.

The End.

"House by the Railroad," Edward Hopper, 1925